
Appointlet is an appointment scheduler built on top of Google Calendar. Enable your clients to book appointments with you right from your website.

Record, Transcribe, And Annotate Your Web Conference Meetings

Dozens of sales teams use Gong to automatically record, transcribe, and analyze web conference meetings. It helps them get field visibility like never before, upskill their sales reps, and ramp new hires faster. Read on to learn how the web conference integration works, or request a demo to see it in action.

Automatically Record Every Web Conference Meeting

Whether it’s an internal meeting, or an external sales call, you can set up Gong to automatically capture and record every web conference meeting. Gong scans your reps’ calendars for events that contain their web conference link. It then “auto-joins” their scheduled web conference calls, recording the audio, video, and screen share.

Transcribe Your Web Conference Meetings

Having hundreds of web conference meeting recordings is useless if you can’t find what you’re looking for. Think of Gong as a search engine for your web conference recordings. Gong transcribes your web conference recordings from speech to text, turning them into searchable data. You can find specific meetings with ease and search for keywords that were spoken during any individual web conference meeting.

Annotate, Review, And Collaborate On Your Web Conference Meetings

Bring efficiency and collaboration to reviewing your web conference recordings. Zero in on key moments by searching for any spoken word, understand what topics were discussed throughout the call, and make time-stamped comments and annotations for feedback and collaboration.


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