
Connecting Crayon’s industry-leading competitive intelligence software to Gong’s award-winning conversation intel tools uncovers invaluable insights that drive critical deals to close. 



Use Gong Data in Crayon
With this integration, once Gong detects a competitive mention on a call, Crayon will automatically email the sales rep a link to a  Battlecard with the talking points and competitive insights they need to close that deal.
Embed Gong Calls in Crayon
Add Gong Calls in Crayon Battlecards and Boards within clicks - and share Gong Calls to Crayon for enhanced searchable, filterable, and scalable Competitive insights.


Sales reps who are better informed about their competition drive more revenue
After Gong detects the name of a rival in a call with a prospect, Crayon will automatically email that sales rep a link to a battlecard—with talking points and competitive insights they need to close that deal.
Capture the best insights about your rivals—in your prospects’ own words
Crayon’s integration with Gong will help you collect unfiltered intel about your competitors, right from within a call transcript. So you can easily get field intelligence—directly from the source—into your stream of CI data. (Coming Soon)
Understand what’s really driving the results of your competitive deals
Vague responses in your CRM’s win/loss notes won’t give you the full story as to why you’re winning (or losing) competitive deals. Combining intel from Gong’s call recordings with Crayon’s competitive win/loss insights will give you the added context you need to drive real changes to your go-to-market planning. (Coming Soon)
How to enable the always-on connection between your revenue intel platform (Gong) and your competitive intelligence software (Crayon):
NOTE: The API connection will need to be enabled by a user who has Admin rights to Crayon AND is a Technical Administrator within Gong.

  1. Within Crayon software, navigate to the Administration menu.

  2. Navigate to “Integrations”, and click on the Gong tab.

  3. Click “Connect to Gong” to authenticate. This will display a page where you will be asked to agree to the “Crayon wants to connect to your Gong account” requirements.

  4. Once you have successfully authenticated your Gong credentials, you will be placed back onto the Gong tab in the Integrations settings in Crayon. You will see an “In Progress” status on your Gong tab.

  5. Click “Complete Setup” to be taken to a “Check for Gong Trackers” page. This will verify that trackers for each corresponding competitor have been configured within your Gong settings.

  6. Once Crayon acquires your list of Gong trackers, click “Next”.

  7. Now, on the “Link Companies to Gong Trackers” page, you will see a list of the competitors you monitor within Crayon ordered by Type on the left side of the screen. On the right, you will see dropdown lists of all your Gong trackers that correspond with each competitor in Crayon. Simply select the appropriate Gong Tracker in the dropdown menu that corresponds to the competitor tracked within Crayon, and click “Save”.

  8. You’ve now created an API connection between the industry leader in competitive intelligence software, and the best conversation intel tool on the planet.

Add conversation intel from Gong to your stream of Crayon competitive insights in less than a minute:
  1. Complete a call with a customer or prospect, and locate the call within Gong’s user interface

  2. Click “Share Call” in the top right corner, and select “Share Internally”

  3. In the Share Internally dialog, click “Get Shareable Link”, and Copy the URL to your clipboard. You can also click the toggle switch to create a snippet URL and copy this appended URL with the specific section of the call highlighted

  4. From here, you can push that call to Crayon however you would normally share intel:

    • Slack or Microsoft Teams
    • Email to your special Crayon alias
    • Anywhere Crayon lives in your tech stack—Salesforce, HubSpot, Seismic, Highspot, and more
    • Or in Crayon’s software, available through your mobile or desktop web browser
  5. Many CI experts will want to add additional nuance to their conversational intelligence, including:

    • a “subject” for that piece of intel that goes beyond simply the title of the call
    • a “description” that could feature direct quotes from the transcript of the call
    • and crucially, the “key takeaways” from the recording—what the conversational intelligence that was gathered during the call means for your company’s CI efforts
  6. Once that’s done, the link to the call recorded from within Gong will be a part of your searchable, filterable, scalable and sustainable stream of competitive insights—where your entire company can comment on and collaborate with intel that you gathered directly from a conversation with a current or future customer

Embed a call recorded via Gong into a Battlecard or Board in 30 seconds:
  1. Complete a call with a customer or prospect, and locate the call within Gong’s user interface

  2. Click “Share Call” in the top right corner, and select “Embed Call”

  3. In the Embed Call dialog, locate the URL without any iframe code (the base URL itself, at the bottom of the dialog), and click “Copy URL”. You can also click the toggle switch to create a snippet URL and copy this appended URL with the specific section of the call highlighted

  4. Navigate to a CI deliverable within Crayon—either a Board or a Battlecard—and add a new or edit an existing tile

  5. Click the “<>” icon in the tile editor, and insert the URL of the call or snippet you wish to embed

  6. In the URL field, paste the Gong URL, and click “Update”

  7. When finished, click “Save” at the base of the tile, and then click “Publish” at the top of the deliverable editor. If you want to preview the embedded file, you can do so within the editor, or by clicking “Preview” at the top of the screen

To learn more, check out this help center article.


  1. Navigate to the Crayon Administration menu.

  2. Navigate to “Integrations”, and click on the Gong tab.

  3. Click “Connect to Gong” to authenticate. This will display a page where you will be asked to agree to the “Crayon wants to connect to your Gong account” requirements.

  4. Once you have successfully authenticated your Gong credentials, you will be placed back onto the Gong tab in the Integrations settings in Crayon. You will see an “In Progress” status on your Gong tab.

  5. Click “Complete Setup” to be taken to a “Check for Gong Trackers” page. This will verify that trackers for each corresponding competitor have been configured within your Gong settings.

  6. Once Crayon acquires your list of Gong trackers, click “Next”.

  7. Now, on the “Link Companies to Gong Trackers” page, you will see a list of the competitors you monitor within Crayon ordered by Type on the left side of the screen. On the right, you will see dropdown lists of all your Gong trackers that correspond with each competitor in Crayon. Simply select the appropriate Gong Tracker in the dropdown menu that corresponds to the competitor tracked within Crayon, and click “Save”.

  8. You’ve now created an API connection between the industry leader in competitive intelligence software, and the best conversation intel tool on the planet.

To learn more, check out this help center article.

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Use Gong Data in a Partner Solution
Embed Gong Calls in a Partner Solution

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Use Gong Data in a Partner Solution
Embed Gong Calls in a Partner Solution

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