
Domo is a business intelligence platform that brings your people, data, and systems together in one place for a digitally-connected business.

Connect it with Gong to get more analytics out of your data.

Centralize your sales data
Send Gong data to Domo so you can get a holistic picture of your sales process and your team’s performance. When all your data is in one place, the value of your insights multiplies exponentially. Think of it as combined brain power.

Track your strategic initiatives
Tie early indicators of success—like how often your sales team uses new messaging—to business outcomes, like win rate. With this integration, you’ll be able to measure every aspect of initiatives designed to improve your customer experience.

Visualize market trends
There’s so much happening in your market, and analyzing every customer interaction sheds light on key trends. Get a better understanding of what’s really happening ‘out there,’ including trends around your top competitors. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how often they’re mentioned in calls and how those mentions affect deals? With that kind of info, you’d create nothing but well-informed strategies.



Domo’s connector integrates directly with Gong to bring your data into Domo. Go to the 
Domo App Store to install the connector and quickstart app. You’ll power up your first dashboard in minutes.