
A company on a mission to empower upward mobility through education and access.

About the Integration

The Flockjay integration empowers companies to onboard new reps with best practices from top performing team members - highlighting the best part of Gong calls and including them in sales training.



Tell a personalized story for your buying committee and collaborate in one place

Create slides, videos, and mutual action plans natively + connect your existing content tools

Track which contacts on your buying committee are engaged and which deals are most likely to close

Not sure how you did on a call? Request feedback from others and get real-time answers



  1. In Flockjay, go to Settings → Integrations → Gong
  2. Click on “Connect your Gong account” to authenticate
  3. Within the Journey editor, click "Add Media → Click Gong logo" to pull recordings from Gong library