
Make is the leading visual platform for anyone to design, build, and automate anything without code. Make enables individuals, teams, and enterprises across all verticals to create powerful custom solutions that scale their businesses faster than ever.

This integration surfaces Gong Calls and Call Media in Make, and the flexibility to report events of a custom action, content share, and content view in Gong Activity Timelines.


Push Make Events to Gong Activity Timeline
Push intent signals from custom actions and content shares and views from Make to Gong.


Yes, like any integration, there may be limits on API calls per day, data transfer amounts, or specific features accessible through the API determined by your Gong subscription level. 

Additionally, Make has its own limitations on operations per month depending on your subscription plan. It's recommended to review both Gong's API documentation and Make's plan limits to understand any potential restrictions.
While Make offers a variety of predefined triggers and actions for integrations, if your business require a specific functionality not available out of the box, you may utilize Make's HTTP module to make custom API requests to Gong. 

This requires some knowledge of the Gong API and how to structure HTTP requests but allows for virtually any custom operation.


1. Log in to your Make account, add a Gong module to your scenario, and click Create a Connection.
2. Choose Gong in the Connection type dropdown.
3. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection
4. Optional: Click the Show advanced settings toggle, enter your custom app Client ID and Client Secret credentials, or add additional Scopes for making custom requests.

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Use Gong Data
Push Events to Activity Timelines

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Use Gong Data
Push Events to Activity Timelines

Developed By

