
Discover the proposal software that gives control and insight into the most important stage of your sales process. From design to sign-off, get confidence and consistency to dominate your deals.

The Proposify+Gong integration powers deeper visibility into the close. When you send a sales document from Proposify, the action is recorded as a purple bubble on the Gong Deals timeline. When your prospect views this document, the view is recorded as a pink bubble on the Gong Deals timeline. When two similar actions happen in quick succession the dots grow in size accordingly indicating higher engagement.

Gain Visibility Into Early Warning Indicators
When Sales Reps see a sudden rush of sales document views at the closing stage, it often means a new group of people have only just begun seeing the deal for the first time. This is an unexpected and unfortunate event which often indicates chaos descending as other stakeholders in the client’s company have taken a last minute interest.. and can be pounced on before the deal is lost in red tape.

Gain Better Confidence in your Forecast
Getting visibility into when sales documents are sent to prospects and how they engage with these documents helps Managers build confidence in their sales forecast.



To connect Proposify and Gong, you need to have active subscriptions with both, have them connected to your Salesforce or Hubspot CRM, and have admin privileges on your Gong account. View connection demo.

  1. In Proposify, visit the Proposify Integrations page and select Gong.

  2. Click on Connect to Gong

  3. Authenticate using your Gong credentials, if you are not already logged in

  4. Select Allow to share information between Proposify and Gong