
Improve Your Sales Process

Gong reveals what your best reps are doing differently over the phone: what questions they're asking, how they're discussing pricing, and what their talk-to-listen ratio is. It then compiles the best plays into your winning playbook so you can spread the wisdom.

Search Conversations
Find keywords in any sales conversation. Gong transcribes and indexes everything so you can easily find that call where your competitor was mentioned or make sure your reps are on script.

Enhanced Collaboration
Easily share sales calls with customers or internally. Ask for feedback, tag team members to get them involved, and pinpoint areas for improvement. Encourage team collaboration and help reps win more deals together.

Speaker Separation Type: Mono Vs. Stereo Recording

Speaker separation type for this provider: Mono
This telephony system records audio in a single channel (mono). That is, the audio from the two parties is merged into a single channel, and there's no easy way to tell who is speaking on the call.

Will Gong be able to separate speakers from this telephony system?
For telephony systems like that record audio in a single channel, Gong will attempt to separate speakers over time.

Gong will accumulate a number of representative calls by the recorded user, and will scan them to find the common speaker.

In addition to identifying speakers on the call, Gong will attempt to break down the call into segments, each associated with a single speaker.


About ingesting internal calls

Gong can disregard internal calls when you are set up in RingCentral:

  • Contact Gong support to enable the filtering out internal calls.
    Note that identifying internal calls for RingCentral telephony system is not related in any way to the set up in Gong for web conferencing, i.e. RingCentral Meetings.
At the time the RingCentral integration is enabled, Gong imports phone calls, and takes a snapshot of your company's phone numbers to use as reference as to what are internal and external calls.

Going forwards, Gong adds numbers to this snapshot based on API queries (as listed below). Numbers that come back from the API calls are considered internal, and will always be treated as internal, even if the number becomes disassociated from your company over time.

The initial sync imports phone calls from the previous 90 day period, so historical data is also included in the snapshot. Therefore, the snapshot Gong works from may include numbers that are no longer used, but are still considered as internal.

Gong makes regular API calls to determine what phone numbers are external as follows:

To determine what's an internal call and what's an external call, Gong looks at all company phone numbers in the snapshot and decides as follows:

  • If any calls include inbound or outbound "legs" that are not included in the company directory, then Gong determines that the call is not internal.
  • If all the numbers ARE included in the company directory, Gong can assume the call in internal.
For calls where there are external parties, even if they are in part internal, Gong treats them as an external call. For example, this applies for calls where:

  • The call starts out as internal, and then a customer is added
  • The call starts out as external, and continues with an internal discussion after the customer leaves
  • The call includes an attempt to add an external participant, even if unsuccessful
Gong periodically checks and updates the snapshot. Therefore, if you update company phone numbers, some calls may be determined as external and ingested before Gong updates the snapshot, and realizes that the call was internal.

Set up

Import users to Gong and set them to record before integrating RingCentral in Gong.
  1. In the Settings page, click Telephony systems.
  2. Click + Add telephony system.
  3. Select RingCentral.
  4. Click CONNECT.

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