
Identify reasons for lost deals and churn risks to prioritize product impact faster with Sauce AI.

Automatically analyze feature requests and product issues from Gong calls with the Sauce AI Gong integration.



Use Gong Data in Sauce
Identify emerging frequent customer requests from Gong calls as Sauce clusters feedback on the fly. Sauce uses Gong Transcripts to understand why you're losing deals and experiencing churn.


Hyper-Personalized Insights
Tailor insights with team-specific context enhanced by Gong call data to investigate new problems or monitor problems with features you've just released.


Automatically analyze Gong transcripts to uncover why deals are lost and identify customer pain points instantly, driving better product execution.
Sauce uses advanced AI to filter out noise and continuously learns from your data, ensuring insights are always accurate and relevant.
Sauce connects insights to customer profiles, demonstrating the ROI of your initiatives by showing their impact on customer engagement and satisfaction.
Absolutely! Integrate messaging tools like Slack, support tools like Zendesk, CRMs like Salesforce, and hundreds more to streamline your workflows.

Sauce initially pulls one month of Gong transcripts, then updates every 5 minutes with newly analyzed calls, ensuring your insights are always up-to-date.


  1. Navigate to the settings page in Sauce.
  2. Click on the 'connect' button in the Gong integration section.
  3. Complete the OAuth authentication flow.
  4. Transcripts will be pulled into Sauce.

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Use Gong Data

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Use Gong Data

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