
Trumpet is a buyer enablement platform where sales and customer success teams centralize  buyer journeys with Trumpet Pods (microsites) - interactive, collaborative and trackable spaces that are proven to close more deals quicker.

Add Gong Recordings to Trumpet Pods to centralize buyer journeys and view buyer engagement on Gong Activity Timelines.



Embed Gong Calls in Trumpet
Embed Gong Calls in  trumpet Pods to keep all stakeholders up to speed on relevant conversations and improve the centralized buyer journey.
Push Trumpet Events to Gong Activity Timelines
Pod analytics such as Views, Document Downloads, Comments or Completion of Mutual Action Plan Steps are sent to Gong Activity Timelines to facilitate more accurate forecasting.


Mutual Action Plans
Keep buyers and sellers aligned with Trumpet's Mutual Action Plan Widget - providing visibility on what's coming next and maintaining accountability that keeps deals moving forward with assigned next steps with due dates and file uploads.
From Outreach to Onboarding
Trumpet's Pods (microsites) are used as Digital Sales Rooms for Business Cases, Post Demo Follow Ups, Proposals, Onboarding, and much more. 

They're auto-personalized, interactive & trackable spaces, created in minutes and used to collaborate with buyers while centralizing everything they need to make decisions from one link.


  • Salesforce

(Note: At this time only the call embed function of this integration is available for HubSpot users.)

  • Insights into the async buyer journey such as Pod views, comments, attachment downloads, steps completed in mutual action plans and more

  • The full sales cycle or a single stage in the buyer journey, it's up to you!


Subscription Requirements

Must have Trumpet Scale subscription

Authentication Requirements

To authenticate this integration for the first time, a user must be a Gong Tech Admin and have admin permissions in Trumpet


  1. Log in to trumpet.app
  2. Go to the Integration page
  3. Click 'Connect' on the Gong integration and follow the approval flow
  4. Once connected, you’ll be able to add the Gong Widget and any Gong Recordings to your trumpet

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Embed Gong Calls
Push Events to Activity Timelines

Developed By



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Embed Gong Calls
Push Events to Activity Timelines

Developed By

