
Enhance your sales team's performance with the ServiceBell-Gong integration. This powerful tool combines ServiceBell's efficient cold calling platform with Gong's advanced call analytics, providing real-time insights and actionable feedback to improve call strategies and drive better outcomes.

The ServiceBell Gong integration equips sales teams with advanced tools for real-time call analysis, fostering improved communication strategies and customer engagement directly within their cold calling workflow.

Key Features

Real-Time Insights: Capture and analyze data from live sales calls for immediate strategic adjustments.

Call Analysis: Access comprehensive analytics such as sentiment analysis and keyword tracking to refine sales techniques.

Custom Coaching Recommendations: Receive tailored tips within ServiceBell based on Gong's detailed analysis. Streamlined Workflows: Manage call performance metrics through an integrated, user-friendly dashboard.

Data Synchronization: Automatically sync call recordings and metrics for seamless performance review and management.


Increased Conversion Rates
Leverage insights during calls to significantly improve engagement and conversions. Skill Enhancement: Continuous feedback helps develop your sales team's capabilities, fostering improvement.
Accelerated Training
Quicken onboarding with access to effective training resources guided by AI-driven insights


Only a ServiceBell organization admin and Gong tech admin can connect this integration:

  1. In ServiceBell, navigate to Settings > Integrations > All Apps
  2. Click the switch to enable Gong
  3. Complete the OAuth flow

Why wasn't my call added to Gong? Calls are added to Gong automatically when the user who made the call also has a Gong account with the same email address and the call was recorded.